Learning Links

Below are some additional websites that can supplement your child's learning.

Cordova Bay Read Alouds

We thought this would be a great way to connect virtually with the whole Cordova Bay school community. This account is "unlisted" which means in order to access the videos you will need to be given the link. For privacy reasons, please be sure not to say any student names in your videos.

Here is the account information that you will need to login:

Email: cordovabayteachers@gmail.com

Password: ReadAloud

EPIC books

On a Laptop or Chromebook

Open up your web browser and

  1. Go to www.getepic.com/students

  2. Enter class code xsl6174

  3. Select their name
    View and edit class roster

On a IOS or Android

After opening the Epic app, ask students to:

  1. Tap on “STUDENTS”

  2. Enter class code xsl6174

  3. Select their name
    View and edit class roster

Saanich Learns website links

Jolly Phonics Song

Storyline Online

Cordova Bay Learning Commons Resources