Dear Parents/Guardians,
Over the past few weeks, I have enjoyed visiting some of our classes to share a lesson on kindness and its ripple effect. Following my lesson, students were asked to carry out a kind act and then imagine the path of this act in writing or drawings, thereby identifying what a kindness ripple could look like. By sharing with their peers the imagined ripples, students were able to explore the plethora of possibilities of one kind act. There were many wonderful examples, and one particular example caught my attention. Isabelle, Molly and Ruby, in Mrs. Schultz’s class, shared cards with neighbours thanking them for the lovely lights they had taken time to put up to brighten up their neighbourhoods. As I know that we are all looking for glimmers of hope right now, as we transition to a new year, I thought this was a great example.
Like Isabelle, Molly and Ruby, who saw beauty and community in their neighbourhood lights, Dr. Bonnie Henry also sees this same hopeful light. As she reminded us on Dec. 7th “light at the end of the tunnel is there” for all British Columbians! So, as we settle in to what will be a very different holiday season, Dr. Bonnie Henry and Minister Dix continue to send messages encouraging us to stay small and stay local, in order to ensure that our collective ripple is one of good health - a most precious gift to pass on to loved ones and our community!
Although 2020 has been a year of great uncertainty, I feel it has afforded us more time for quiet contemplation. Over the holidays, I hope you will have some time for continued reflection, while you enjoy perhaps the sparkle of your tree, the stars in the winter sky or the light displays on the houses in your own neighbourhood. When we look for the light we see that there is hope, and we can then set our heart to dream of tomorrow and the infinite, positive possibilities ahead of us.
“For my part, I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.” ~ Vincent Van Gogh
Wishing great health and continued hope for everyone,
Mrs. Mary Lynn Heron