May 26 |
‘Welcome to Kindergarten at Cordova Bay’ ONLINE at 7:00 pm for upcoming K Families. See below for details. |
May 29 |
PAC Bottle Drive (9 am – 1 pm) |
June 9 |
Supporting Emotional Health Parent Evening: Virtual Meeting from 7:00-8:30 pm. See below on how to register. |
COVID Safety Reminders:
- Physical Distancing & Masks: Thank you to parents for maintaining physical distancing at pick-up and drop-off times and for wearing your masks.
- Mobile Health Check APP: Families are encouraged to download and use the mobile Health Check App daily.
- Entering the School Building: Thank you for calling the school office prior to entering the building and for only entering the building at the front door of the school.
- Wearing of Masks for Grade 4/5 Students: Thank you to all of our Gr. 4/5 students and their families for your support, as we help students adjust to wearing masks indoors. We suggest you send your child to school in a clean mask, and with a spare mask, that they are used to wearing.
‘Welcome to Kindergarten at Cordova Bay’ ONLINE Session: Tonight, May 26 at 7:00 pm for upcoming 2021-22 Kindergarten families. The LINK for the online TEAMS meeting was emailed to families on Friday, May 21 from our School Secretary, Mrs. Cowley.
Families Not Returning to Cordova Bay in September 2021: If your child will not return to Cordova Bay Elementary for the 2021-22 school year, could you kindly let the school know asap for planning purposes. Thank you.
Russell Books Virtual Book Fair – POSTPONED TO NEXT WEEK: Due to technical difficulties, the Rus-sell Books Virtual Book Fair has been postponed to run from May 31 - June 11. Books will still be delivered before the end of the school year. We will re-send the Book Fair website link once the Book Fair is up and running. Thank-you for your support of the Cordova Bay Learning Commons!
School Bus Registration for 2021/21 is Open Until June 20, 2021: Please click HERE for all the information regarding bus registration and to register your child for the school bus. You will need your child’s student number to register and can contact the school office to get it.
Supporting Emotional Balance Parent Evening: Virtual Session on June 9, 7:00-8:30 pm. The District and COPACS are pleased to be able to offer a parent evening on Supporting Emotional Balance. David Segal will be leading the virtual session. David is the Executive Director of Human Nature Counselling Society. He will be focussing on strategies and approaches to supporting children and youth--and ourselves--during these uncertain times. See attached PDF on how to register.
BOTTLE DRIVE - THIS SATURDAY !!!! 9am-1pm: Drive through, Drop Off and Donate your Refundables. Thank you for supporting our school.
Volunteer(s) Needed - Refundables Pick Up from Condo Complex: Our School has been picking up refundables from a nearby condo complex weekly for many years. It brings in $700 +/year. Looking for 2-3 families wishing to share this job, which means you'd only have to pick up once every 2-3 weeks. For more details contact PAC: cordovabaypac@gmail.com
2021 Census: You may have heard that the 2021 Census is underway. It has been a challenging year for families, and the census might seem like another thing on your busy to-do list. However, I would like to encourage you to complete your census, if you haven’t already done so. Census data helps governments at all levels plan for schools, transportation, community centres, libraries and recreational activities. Data from the 2021 Census will be even more crucial, because it will help to evaluate the impact of the pandemic and to better plan for the future. You can quickly and easily complete your census questionnaire at www.census.gc.ca using the access code you received in the mail. If you need assistance, or would like to have a paper (or alternate format) questionnaire, please call the Census Help Line at 1-855-340-2021. Thank you for doing your part to help plan for a better future for all Canadians.
Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria: Victoria Summer Camps – Immigrants & Refugees: Click HERE for more information.
Saanich Schools International Student Program: Homestay families needed starting September 2021. See below for more information.