November 10 |
Remembrance Day Assemblies for Staff & Students |
November 11 |
Remembrance Day (STAT Holiday) – Students do not attend school. |
November 12 |
Non-Instructional Day – Students do not attend school. |
November 14 |
DEADLINE to order School Apparel – See details below. |
November 16, 17, 18 |
Early Dismissal Days to accommodate Parent/Teacher Conferences. Children will be dismissed 1 hour early at 1:48 pm. |
November 17 |
Lifetouch Photo Retakes – For students that wish retakes or for those that missed the last photo session. |
November 22 |
DEADLINE for Purdys Christmas Fundraiser Orders – See details below. |
November 23 |
Lockdown DRILL – Mrs. Heron, School Principal, will send a message to parents about this emergency drill. |
November 29-December 5 |
Online Scholastic Book Fair – SAVE THE DATE – See details below. |
Communicable Disease Program Reminders:
- Wearing of Masks for Grade K-5 Students: Thank you for sending your child to school in a clean mask, and with a spare mask that they are used to wearing. The BC Centre for Disease Control provides information on the wearing of Masks.
- Pick-up/Drop-off: Thank you to parents for ensuring that there is no overcrowding at pick-up and drop-off.
- Mobile Health Check APP: All families are encouraged to continue doing a Daily Health Check for each child in the household and to follow the prompts provided by the Health Check. If the Health Check prompts you to stay home, contact a health care provider or call 8-1-1 about your symptoms and next steps.
- Entering the School Building: Thank you for calling the school office prior to entering the building and for only entering the building at the front door of the school.
Reminder - No School: Thursday, November 10 is Remembrance Day and Friday, November 12 is a Non-Instructional Day. Students do not attend school.
Lifetouch Photo Retakes: Photos retakes will take place on Wednesday, November 17th for students that wish retakes or for those that missed the last photo session. If you are wanting your child to have a photo retake, it is suggested to let your child’s teacher know.
Winter Break Reminder for Parents/Guardians: As we approach the upcoming Winter Break some families may be planning trips away from home. Should you anticipate that your child may miss some school, either due to your travel schedule or any necessary isolation period following your return, it is important that you communicate with your child’s teacher and school before you leave to ensure that your child is aware of any school work they would be missing.
Online Scholastic Book Fair – SAVE THE DATE: Our school’s Scholastic Book Fair is going online, so save the date! From November 29 to December 5, discover exciting new and bestselling titles from the comfort of your home. Bonus: Every purchase supports our school and helps to keep kids reading! Take advantage of this perfect opportunity to get some Christmas Shopping done from home!
Reporting Your Child's Absence: Thank you for reporting your child’s absence each day that they will be away from school. Please email your child’s teacher and the office attendance email (cordovabay_attendance@saanichschools.ca) when your child will be away from school noting your child’s first/last name, their teacher’s name, and the day(s) that they will be absent. The school Safe Arrival Telephone line, (250)-658-4002, is available to use, but the attendance EMAIL is the preferred method of letting us know that your child(ren) will be away.
Saanich International Student Program (SISP): SISP is actively looking for new Host Families for our inter-national students joining us in January/February, as well as host families who would like to be available on short notice for students currently here. Make lifelong friendships, provide a student with a home away from home and share the beauty of your community! If you are interested in this opportunity, host families are provided:
- $975 per month per student (students must have their own bedroom)
- If necessary, an additional $300 per student for the 14-day quarantine (to help cover any extra expenses), although the expectation is students will be fully vaccinated when they arrive in Canada
- Ongoing support from the SISP Homestay team
Sign up for a no-commitment consultation with one of our Homestay Coordinators or start your application to be-come a host family!
School Apparel Sale – DEADLINE this SUNDAY: In time for a great holiday gift. Deadline is November 14th. Delivery/Pickup at the school will be early December (TBA). Go to our online store to order.
Purdys Christmas Fundraiser - On NOW!!!!: Purchase your holiday chocolates through our school and we get 25%. New this year - No catalogs, all browsing/shopping and payments done ONLINE. Click HERE for more details. **Deadline to order: Nov 22**
Little Dribbler’s Basketball Program: See attached poster for more information.
Lochside & Fowler Park Renewal Project – District of Saanich: The District of Saanich is about to embark on a public engagement process for the renewal of Lochside and Fowler Parks in the Cordova Bay Neighbour-hood. The Park Renewal Project will focus on the deteriorating tennis courts, aging playground and lack of washroom facilities. The sports fields are not part of this project as they are well established anchor facilities for the community. The first phase of the project will begin November 1st with an invitation to complete an online survey about how folks use the park and what they would like to see in the park. The results of the survey will inform the development of concept plans that will later be brought back to the community for further input. This is the process used in recent years with Park Renewal Projects like Horner Park, Tolmie Park, Rainbow Park and McMinn Park to great success. The link to the survey will be available Monday November 1, 2021 on the project website and close on December 1, 2021: Lochside and Fowler Park Renewal Project | District of Saanich