Dear Parents and Guardians of Cordova Bay Students,
Welcome to 2022 - a brand new year where, despite the challenges, we get to continue practicing and cultivating positivity and enthusiasm. I quite like the “get to” reframe. For example, I no longer say that “I have to meditate each day” instead, I’ll say that “I get to meditate daily!” I also get to say NO to 2022 resolutions and yes to anti-resolutions! Yep, the anti-resolution. It is perhaps something you want to stop doing this year or an obligation that you want to drop. What will you stop or drop? Not sure quite yet what my anti-resolutions will be, but I’ll keep you posted!
As a community, what we will not stop or drop are the multiple layers of infection prevention and exposure control measures we already have in place. These measures, as outlined by public health, will continue for 2022 and be reinforced at Cordova Bay to reduce the risk of transmission:
· masks (please ensure that you send your child with an appropriate 3-layer mask)
· daily health checks (due to the short incubation period of the Omicron variant, as well as the high transmissibility of the virus, the PHO has indicated that Contact Tracing will no longer be done by schools. The PHO and BCCDC are strongly encouraging Self-Management if you have COVID -19 or are displaying symptoms of COVID-19. Access the Daily Health Check on our school website.)
· staying home/isolating if unwell or advised to do so by public health and seeking medical attention, if necessary
· frequent hand hygiene (ongoing support for students with videos and explicit instruction)
· respiratory etiquette (ongoing support for students with videos and explicit instruction)
· strategies to prevent crowding during entry and exit from school (staff have reviewed current class entry and exit protocols and will make necessary changes to reduce crowding. Thank you to parents for not crowding at entrances and exits during before and after school times. All access to the school is via the front door. Please check in with Shelley Somerset, our school secretary, and she will ensure that you have completed all entry protocols.
· reduce face-to-face interactions (we have reviewed class and learning spaces to reduce face to face interactions where possible)
· increased cleaning and disinfecting
· health and safety signage refresh as reminders
· data collection to assess tech needs of students, prior to a health closure or functional school closure
· ongoing communication to parents re. communicable disease plan updates and dissemination of information from public health regarding vaccination, travel*, etc.
*Parents are requested to follow all travel requirements. If you anticipate any necessary isolation period following a return from the holidays, you are asked to communicate absences to the school 250 658 5315 or email
Travel - British Columbia Centre for Disease Control Check the COVID-19 situation where you plan to visit. Follow local guidance and take precautions to prevent COVID-19. <br /> <br />International travellers should plan ahead for the travel requirements of their destination and for returning home. |
Wishing you and your family a very restful weekend. I hope you get to do lots of things that bring you joy!
With gratitude for your support of the above protocols,
Mrs. Mary Lynn Heron