We are excited to be starting the school year!
On Monday, students who attended Cordova Bay last year will report to their last year's classroom, except for students from Mrs. Alexander/Mr. Kachmar's class who will report to Room 16.
NEW students: please report to the office
Kindergarten: Parents with students, please drop in between 9:45-10:15 am or call the office to confirm your attendance
At dismissal time, students will be with grade group friends:
Grade ones: Mrs. Nelles' room (Room 3 near office)
Grade twos: Mrs. Kinshella/Mrs. Arnold's room (Room 5 near office)
Grade threes: Library
Grade fours: Ms. Mill's room (Room 11)
Grade fives: Mrs. Mitchell's room (Room 9)
On Tuesday morning, students will report to the room that they were dismissed from on Monday.
As we find in every year, we are eager to confirm attendance. This will influence who quickly we are able to move students into their 2014-15 classroom placement. Thank you for your patience during this complex process.