Front Page News

Thank you PAC

Picture of Kelly Urarii
Thank you PAC
by Kelly Urarii - Thursday, 15 June 2017, 2:26 PM

We are grateful for all the of the work that our PAC volunteers do over the school year.  We have been appreciative of all the positive involvement including volunteers who participate in Read around the Rooms, field trips, art projects, PAC lunches, coordinating the Green Team, taking care of our Fish Tank, coordinating Emergency supplies, coordinating the Fruits/Veggies program, participating in Safe Arrival efforts, etc.

As well, there are efforts (some are one event efforts and others are ongoing) to raising funds that provide many items for the school environment.  A few of those items include:

  • helping to purchase Chromebooks for student use
  • providing classroom funds to support a variety of projects and/or field trips
  • purchasing three new picnic tables for the front playground
  • providing the funds for the Growing Young Farmers program (8 classes benefited from this during the 2016-17 school year)
  • helping provide new furniture for the Learning Commons
  • providing funds so all students could go skating twice during the school year
  • support for the Grade 5 farewell luncheon
  • support for the purchase of music equipment and supplies for the Christmas concert
  • support for home reading materials to support younger students as they practice daily home reading
  • the purchase of outdoor equipment to be used during recess and play breaks

We are grateful for all of the efforts of our parent volunteers!  
Thank you for making Cordova Bay Elementary such
a wonderful place for our students and staff.