Front Page News

Chatting with Your Child About Handwashing

Picture of MaryLynn Heron
Chatting with Your Child About Handwashing
by MaryLynn Heron - Monday, 9 March 2020, 10:36 AM

Please take some time to chat with your child(ren) re. the following important health items:

  • Handwash ALWAYS prior to eating (Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold), turn off the tap, and apply soap. Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails. Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds.)
  • Handwash ALWAYS after going to the washroom
  • Avoid touching faces, noses, mouth during the day without having washed hands well first. 
  • Wash hands after touching face, nose or hands.
  • Avoid sharing food with classmates
  • When you cough or sneeze, cover your nose and mouth with a tissue and then dispose of the tissue and wash your hands or cough into your sleeve. 
  • If you are sick (cough, runny nose, fever, sick to stomach, etc.), stay at home, in order to avoid infecting other people.
Thank you to everyone for reviewing best practices with your child, as this greatly lowers the chances of passing on colds and flus to others. Teachers will also continue to encourage best practices to support a healthy school community.


Mrs. ML Heron