Reminders for Remote Learning Families: TOMORROW, Thursday, June 25, is the LAST Day of Instruction for students. Parents/Guardians are asked to come between 8:00 am and 3:00 pm to the UNDERCOVERED area at the back of the school to pickup student belongings, report cards, medications (if applicable) and to return any borrowed student devices and library books. (*Please don’t forget to return the Chromebook charger with your student device.) If you are unable to return the devices during these times, there will be further information posted to the district and school websites regarding additional drop off dates and depots. Thank you!
Student Library Books: Borrowed library books are now DUE BACK! Books can be dropped off tomorrow between 8:00 am and 3:00 pm in the undercovered area OR on Friday, June 26 to the Drop-Off bin at the front school entrance between 9:00-1:30.