Dear Parents and Guardians,
For all students who have opted for in-class instruction, we kindly ask that you read the following information carefully, prior to arriving at school for your child's designated orientation time.
Schedule for Orientations is as follows:
Kindergarten: Please refer to your child' gradual entry schedule. Gradual Entry and Orientations for K begin on Friday Sept 11.
Grades 1 and 2: Thursday, September 10--8:40-10:10 am
Grade 3: Thursday, September 10--12:30-2:00 pm
Grades 4 and 5: Friday, September 11--8:40-10:10 am
*Full school days begin on Monday, September 14 for grades 1-5. Kindergarten parents, please review the revised K Gradual Entry Schedule.
- The purpose of the orientation session is to provide information about class placement and to review health and safety routines with students.
- We ask that parents/guardians please drop off their children no more than 15 minutes early, maintain physical distance and exit the school grounds shortly after drop off for health and safety reasons. Playgrounds will be closed before school on these two days in order to support Health and Safety routines.
- Please bring your child to the alphabetically marked tables at the back of the school (undercovered area) for Grades 1-5 and Kindergarten families please report to the front of the school for check-in.
- Gr 1-5 Students do not need to bring supplies, backpacks or snacks during their orientation time on September 10th or 11th
- Kindergarten students may bring snacks and/or lunch, depending on the time they are attending for gradual entry
- Students Gr 1-5 will be dismissed at the back of the school. K at the front for 1st day of Gradual Entry. Classroom teachers will send a separate communication to parents/guardians of each class outlining the drop-off and pick up areas for 20/21
- If you would like to meet with school staff, please make an appointment through the school office 250 658 5315.
Structure of the School Day
- There will be no changes to the beginning and end of the school day from previous years (8:40-2:48 starting Sept 14th)
- Students will remain with their assigned classroom for instructional time.
- Classes will be connected to create a learning cohort of under 60 students and staff.
- Recess and lunch breaks will be staggered to allow for greater distancing between cohorts (11:15-11:45 Primary Eating time, Intermediate Play time; 11:45-12:15 Intermediate Eating time, Primary Play time). Recess 1:00-1:30 Intermediate, 1:30-2:00 Primary. In order to support health and safety measures, some additional changes may be made to lunch and recess schedules. Any changes will be communicated to families via post and teacher communication.
- Student cohorts are assigned a colour and will receive a wristband at the orientation to support health and safety routines.
- If students are taught by a staff member outside of their cohort, PPE and/or physical distancing will be used
Health and Safety Routines
- Daily Health Checks should be completed daily by all families for each child attending school. Parents who have made an appointment to meet in person with school staff are also asked to complete a health check before entering the school.
- Hand washing and sanitizing will take place at all transitions
- Hallways have been marked with a yellow dividing line and students will be encouraged to stay to the right so support flow through the hallways
- All classes will line up at their designated lineup area, as communicated by the teacher during orientation to students, and emailed to parents via the teacher. Please respect physical distancing at drop-off and pick-up. We ask that you follow the teacher's drop-off/pick-up plan, as this will help us with avoiding any congestion outside.
Action Items for Parents
- Review the above, prior to orientation
- Visit the SD 63 Q&A regarding COVID 19 (an excellent resource for our return)
- Complete the Daily Health Check, as per the COVID-19 Health and Safety Guidelines for K-12 Settings, prior to the orientation for your child and then daily for each child for every day that your child is in attendance. A copy of the health check will be posted on Tuesday as a reminder, prior to orientations and for your reference. We will also send home a hard copy on your child's orientation day.
- During your child's 1st week back to school, you will be asked to complete and submit one daily health check form, sent home the day of your child's orientation, to confirm your understanding. Moving forward, you will be asked to do a daily check, but you will not required to submit a form daily.
Mrs. ML Heron Ms. C. Meausette
Principal Vice Principal