Dear Parents and Guardians,
Please join me and Trustees Victoria Martin and Teri Vanwell for an online information/Discussion session regarding the District Strategic plan.
When: Wednesday, Nov 3rd from 7:00-8:00 p.m.
Teams Link and reminders will be sent via Cordova Bay post
Message Sent from Superintendent Dave Eberwein re. the Strategic Plan:
Good afternoon Parents/Guardians,
The Saanich Board of Education is working on a new Strategic Plan. The Board is committed to engaging with its communities to develop its 2022-2027 Strategic Plan for our district. It is critical that we hear from parents / guardians, students, staff and the broader community so that we can build a plan that reflects our community. A first step in this consultation process is an opportunity for you to provide feedback in a survey. You will find the link to the survey at the end of this email.
What is a Strategic Plan?
A Strategic Plan is the school district’s road map for action and future student success. The specific goals and strategies that are central to the Plan are shaped by the district’s core values and beliefs, vision, philosophy, mission, and guiding principles, all of which create the framework for everything we do to support our learning community. The Strategic Plan utilizes provincial and local student achievement evidence to inform us about what needs to be prioritized. These priorities then help shape overall district planning, budget priorities and district operations.
Successful organizations are laser focused in their Strategic Plans, using a few core areas that are evidence-based – areas that are critical when we are looking to improve student success throughout the system.
What are the Draft Focus Areas that have been Developed so far?
Using both provincial and local school district data, we have worked to identify three main focus areas over the last several months. They are:
The data shows that these are areas we likely need to spend more time on to ensure that students have the greatest opportunities here and in their futures. You can find some of the data we used in our review here:
- Provincial Reports – Saanich School District Saanich (63) Reports
- Saanich Schools Framework for Enhancing Student Learning (FESL) (Sept 2021)
How can I Participate in the Consultation?
We have created an e-survey where you can provide feedback on the draft focus areas – comment on just a few areas or all of them – the option is yours. There is also an opportunity to provide thoughts on other areas that the Board may want to consider.
Link: STRATEGIC PLAN 2022/2027 – CONSULTATION SURVEY (Survey closes Sun Nov 7th)
We hope that you can take a few minutes to provide us with your thoughts – they are important. We anticipate that there will be other opportunities for feedback after the Winter Break.
Dave Eberwein
Superintendent & CEO, Saanich Schools