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Cordova Bay Elementary Weekly Communication - Thursday, September 5, 2019

Picture of Tammy Cowley
Cordova Bay Elementary Weekly Communication - Thursday, September 5, 2019
by Tammy Cowley - Thursday, 5 September 2019, 10:47 AM


September 7th

Bottle Drive – Saturday, September 7,  9am-1pm

September 16th

Terry Fox Run

September 17th

General PAC Meeting - Tuesday, Sept 17, 7-8pm

September 17th

Signed Individual Student Packages are DUE back to student’s classroom teachers.

September 19th

PAC BBQ & School Open House, 5:30-7:30 pm

September 23th

Non-Instructional Day – Students do not attend school

September 30th

Orange Shirt Day

October 7th

Lifetouch Individual Student Photos

October 14th

Happy Thanksgiving! (Statutory Holiday) – Students do  not attend school

October 25th

Non-Instructional Day – Students do not attend school



School Information & Individual Student Packages:  Please check your child’s backpack for information and forms that will be coming home for your review and signature either today or tomorrow.  Signed Individual Student Packages are DUE to your child’s classroom teacher by September 17th.

Students with Life Threatening Conditions:  If you have a student with a life threatening medical condition, please ensure that you check in with the school office to either collect the necessary Medical Alert forms or to insure all your child’s Medical Alert forms on file are correct.  

The Power of Why (A Blog by the Superintendent of Saanich Schools):  Mondays are Better Than Thursdays – Who Knew?

Monks School Supply Orders:  If there is a problem with your child's school supply order from Monks, please contact them directly.  If you are unable to resolve the problem, then please contact the school office for help.

Reminders for Parents:

  • Reporting of Student Absences:  A friendly reminder for families to ensure that you contact the school Safe Arrival Line at 250 658-4002 if your child will be absent from school.  If you’re child will be away for more than one day, please ensure that you call of all the days that your child will be away.  This is a huge help to the Safe Arrival Parent Volunteers.   Thank you!
  • Utensils for Eating Snacks & Lunches:  A reminder for families to please pack utensils for your child so they are able to eat their snack or lunch!


Bottle Drive – Saturday, September 7, 9am-1pm:  Collect from your friends and neighbours and drop by to donate.  Unfortunately, we cannot accept refundables before Sept 7. 

General PAC Meeting - Tuesday, Sept 17, 7-8pm:  Everyone Welcome!!! Join us in the Learning Commons (Library) for an informative evening. Get to know PAC and hear from Mrs. Heron and Ms. Meausette about the 2019-2020 school year.  ** Childminding is available in the Gym **


Scouting:  Scouting provides kids with a range of activities and experiences that no other youth program can match.  Programs for 2019-2020 are just getting started!  Read about the programs for youth aged 5 and up at  You can find a group  in your area and register online at using the “Find a Group fea-ture” on     

ATTENTION: Women & Girls:  The Achieve Anything Foundation inspires female future leaders from shop floor to top floor in high-tech STEM fields with incredible FREE hands on experience events!  APPLY NOW to join Achieve Anything Foundation's Operation: This IS You!  A series of FREE hands-on experience events held in the native environments of our agency and industry partners.  

Vancouver Island Event: Day Sail on a Warship with the Royal Canadian Navy - CFB Esquimalt departure: Saturday, Sept. 14, 2019.  Eligible women & girls who apply here:  and are accepted, will JOIN US for an incredible, hands-on day at sea with the Royal Canadian Navy! Activities include tours of ship duty stations, crew quarters and operational equipment; RCAF helicopter joint search and rescue demonstration, ship firefighting simulation and demonstration of the warship’s impressive manoeuvring ca-pabilities! Lunch will be provided on board.  See below for registration information.

Peninsula “1000 X 5” Children’s Book Recycling Project:  This project operates through partnership with School District No. 63 (Saanich).  Since 2008, 141 thousand books have been collected for redistribution for young children and families on the Peninsula.  If you can donate gently-used children’s picture books, please bring them to the school and put them in the box by the office. The books will be forwarded to volunteers who will package them for distribution to young children and families on the Saanich Peninsula.